Concerned Black Men of Richmond Conducts 2nd 2024-2025 Session at the Music Box Studio
December 28, 2024 by admin
Filed under Music, Uncategorized
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December 14, 2024
Greetings all!
The Concerned Black Men of RVA held the 2nd in-person activity of the 24-25 session entitled “Music, An Inside Look” on Saturday, November 23rd. It was conducted at Music Box Studio in downtown Richmond with 26 mentees in attendance. The activity was led by Lamont Fleming, a Grammy Award producer who was instrumental in getting Chris Brown’s career started.

He asked each of the mentees to discuss their music taste and their favorite artist. Lamont shared his experience and showed some of Chris Brown’s videos that he was a part of. Next, they reviewed the song that was done last year and practiced different parts of the song. Then several mentees took turns in the sound booth to record.

The boys were treated to subs and chips from Sweet As Sugar Foods that were enjoyed outside on such a beautiful day.

The Concerned Black Men of RVA are pleased to see the number of mentees return to pre-covid levels! Thanks to each of you for your interest and contributions to our organization. It means the world to our youth and the communities we serve.
Timothy Mallory,
President CBM-RVA
Click Here to learn more about The Concerned Black Men of Richmond, Inc.
Click Here to learn more about becoming a Mentor.
Click Here to see how you can support our efforts to continue to care for our youth.
Concerned Black Men of Richmond Conducts 1st 2024-2025 Session at the Franklin Military Academy
November 30, 2024 by admin
Filed under Civic Responsibilities, Uncategorized
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October 28, 2024
Greetings all!
The Concerned Black Men of RVA held the 1st in-person activity of the 24-25 session entitled “Civics: The Rights and Duties of Citizenship.” It was conducted at Franklin Military Academy on Saturday October 19th. There were 19 youths in attendance.
We started the activity by getting each mentee to stand and introduce themselves speaking clearly and with confidence. Next there was a discussion on what civic engagement is and had those with experience to elaborate on how and why they got involved. They were informed that CBM is an example of civic engagement and we talked about why we do what we do.

The mentees were very attentive as we discussed the upcoming election and viewed a brief video on the electoral college. The pros and cons of the electoral college were debated after the video.
Next, we had Michael Taylor, a local licensed commercial drone pilot explain what drones are and the various types and uses of UAV’s (unmanned aerial vehicles).

The boys were very engaged and after the presentation they got to take turns flying drones provided by Mr. Taylor and Principal Hudson of Franklin Military Academy.
The Concerned Black Men of Richmond are working diligently to provide impactful activities that motivate the young men to do their best in all of their endeavors.
Thanks to Michael Taylor, each of the mentors and each of you for your interest and assistance in providing quality programs for the young men in our community. It means the world to our youth and the community we serve.

Timothy Mallory,
President CBM-RVA
Click Here to learn more about The Concerned Black Men of Richmond, Inc.
Click Here to learn more about becoming a Mentor.
Click Here to see how you can support our efforts to continue to care for our youth.
Concerned Black Men of Richmond has a Successful 1st Half of their 22-23 Session
December 31, 2022 by admin
Filed under Annual Appreciation Breakfast, Annual Awards, Orientation, Rap Session, Uncategorized
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December 26, 2022
Greetings all!
The Concerned Black Men of Richmond have had a very productive 1st half of our 2022-23 session!
We kicked off the session with our orientation on 9/13th. There were 13 applications submitted for the program.
The first in-person activity was a rap session at Franklin Military Academy on October 15th. This was an introduction of the mentees to the mentors where we discussed our program objectives, strategies to improve grades and addressed gun violence. We also got suggestions from them on what they would like to see. There were 7 mentees in attendance at this activity.
The Concerned Black Men of America held the 47th Annual Awards Dinner on Thursday November 10th.
The event took place at The Hotel Arundel Preserve and Alex Taylor (one of our founding members) was the representative from the Richmond Chapter.
The Honorees:
Founders Awards: US Capitol Police Officers, Harry Dunn and Eugene Goodman; Retired, US Capitol Police Sgt, Aguillino Gonell and Retired, DC Metropolitan Police Officer, Michael Fanone
Phoenix Award for Justice: Attorney Benjamin Crump, Esq., Attorney, Daryl Jones, Esq, Transformative Justice Coalition and Bishop Tavis Grant, National Executive Director, Rainbow Push Coalition
Phoenix Award for Entrepreneurship: Jas Leverette Chairman’s Award: Marcus Arbery and the Arbery Family
President’s Award: Ms. Ruby Bridges, Civil Rights Activist, Atty, Anita Hill, Esq., Women’s Rights Activist
Corporate Award, Social Responsibility: Bruce Jackson, Esq., Microsoft (Pending); Shamika Hoyt, SunLife Insurance Co.
Posthumous Awards: Entertainer and Activist, Dick Gregory; Trailblazer and NBA Legend, Bill Russell Education &Public Service; Dr. Emmett Dennis Sr.
Our 2nd in-person activity was held on November 19th at Franklin Military Academy. The movie “Courageous” was shown. This is a movie about fatherhood and the consequences of choices good and bad. There were 6 boys in attendance and it was well received by all.
On December 10th, we held annual Christmas Breakfast at the Golden Corral in Glen Allen. There were 9 mentees with their parents or guardian in attendance. Each of the mentees were given $100 for their participation.
We would also like to congratulate to of our past mentees Ramone Jeffers and Jonathan Minor. Ramone Jeffers received a B.S, in Kinesiology from North Carolina Central University. Jonathan Minor received an Associate’s degree in Computer Science from J Sargeant Reynolds Community College. Jonathan will continue his education at Norfolk State University.
As we adjust to the post pandemic way of operating; rest assured that the Concerned Black Men of Richmond will continue providing impactful activities for the young men in our communities. Special thanks to Principal, David Hudson for granting access to Franklin Military Academy for our activities and to Thomas Williams for providing the money for the mentees at the Christmas Breakfast!
Thanks to each of the mentors and each of you for your interest and assistance in providing quality programs for the young men in our community. It means the world to our community and the youth we serve.
Timothy Mallory,
President CBM-RVA
Click Here to learn more about The Concerned Black Men of Richmond, Inc.
Click Here to learn more about becoming a Mentor.
Click Here to see how you can support our efforts to continue to care for our youth.